Sunday, November 25, 2007

Un-Black Friday

My Black Friday activity was working. It's really not a bad day to be at work since most of the crazies are at retail outlets. I can do without big crowds on most days and the day after Thanksgiving is no exception. After a quiet day at work, I met my friend Jennifer and her aunt and cousin from Bismarck, ND, at Caffe Moderne for a delicious panini and gelato.

Here's a snap of Jennifer, Maggie and Carol feeling good after gelato:

The four of us then made our way over to Cabaret Oldtown where we laughed our butts off at "A Cabaret Christmas." My review ? Awesome! We laughed so hard. The skit about the nerd couple introducing their families to each other at Christmas was my favorite. Actor Kyle Vespestad's very tight green pants (which was where he kept the engagement ring, of course) and the antics of "Opossum" (Casey Ross) in that skit alone were worth the price of admission. We had a fabulous girls' night out. Y'all come on back to Kansas sometime and we'll laugh some more!


Lori said...

I saw the Christmas show at Cabaret a couple of years ago and thought it was hilarious. Now I want to try to check it out this year! Thanks for the tip!

Heather rules said...

I hit K-Mart Thanksgiving morning at 5:45 a.m. and then on Friday I hit Penney's at 4 a.m. and Target at 6 a.m. I try to stay away usually, but this year I went by myself and had a blast!! I walked away with a Wii for Gage. YAY