Sunday, November 25, 2007

Laurie's 40th birthday party

Saturday evening I attended the 40th birthday party of my college friend, Laurie. The party was at Eberly Farm and the sign out front proclaimed the reason for all the cars.

After a horse-drawn (courtesy of Belgian horses Lance and Andy) ride around the grounds under a full moon, guests were served a buffet supper, access to an all-you-can-drink keg and soda fountain and a piece of crap cake made by some of Laurie's sisters and nieces. Don't know what crap cake looks like? Well, it's a chocolate culinary delight which they even served with a litter box pooper scooper, which I (perhaps wrongly) assumed was clean!

Here's the birthday girl in all her glory:

Laurie hired The Dance Man (Ronnie Choy) to spin tunes throughout the evening. But the dancing didn't begin in earnest until after her siblings had sung a few tunes of their own to celebrate the occasion. She's the youngest of 10 and it's a family tradition to do this at their birthday parties. Only her sister, Joy, was absent for the serenade:

When the tunes started spinning it was rare for the dance floor to NOT be packed. We did everything from the Chicken Dance on up. (Or is it down?) The most enthusiastic dancers on the floor were probably the youngest ones. Vincent and Joseph were tireless and danced with their aunt Susan, Laurie, or whoever else was around! And our friend, Joyce, (in the foreground on the ground) schooled everyone in proper "Crocodile Rock" etiquette. Yes, she did that dance at her wedding in her wedding dress.

It was so much fun and the time went by so quickly. Before we knew it, it was 11 o'clock and poor Libby was ready for the music to stop so she could go home.

Thanks for the party, Laurie. And for future reference, don't forget who didn't bring you cheesy 40th birthday gifts.


Lori said...

Wow. This party sounds crazy. Your friends certainly know how to mark a 40th b-day!

Heather rules said...

Man that party looks like fun!! Happy Birthday Laurie.

Laurie said...

Thanks Chris for putting me on the blog. I've sent your link to several of my friends who couldn't be there.

Now that I'm 40 (well, officially in a few weeks), I don't know that I'll remember that you didn't get me a cheesy gift...

Anonymous said...

What a fun party!! Wish my family celebrated that much!!! I had a great time at the party.........


Linda said...

Sounds like this was one great party! And as far as I'm concerned, 40 is YOUNG!