Monday, September 17, 2007

90 degrees in September? Ugh.

Well, I'm not sure I like the forecast for this week. It's supposed to be hot and windy. Both of which make me cranky. When September hits, I like the cool to come right along with it. And the wind? Well, I've been having satellite interference with my local channels caused by my neighbor's tree, and it is a lost cause when it's windy. Which means the season premiere of "Prison Break" tonight will probably be an hour of dead air on my TiVo. Nice. I'll probably end up watching it on my computer since I won't be home to watch it live.

On a more positive note: my parents are coming for a visit later this week. My Mom is in a couple of china painting clubs here in town since her local group went defunct earlier this year. She'll be at one group on Thursday and the other on Friday. They meet once a month except in the summer. As an extra bonus this time, my Dad's coming along with her. He'll be running errands (buying exciting things like hydraulic oil and frequenting places like Knight Machine) for his business. He's a welder, by the way. He has owned his own business for as long as I can remember, but he's been a welder now for over 49 years. He says he's going to retire next fall when he turns 68. We'll see. Rumor also has it that he'll be shopping for a new (to him) pickup to replace his current heap.


Country Girl said...

i am SO ready for prison break tonight!!

Heather rules said...

I'm ready for the cool weather too. I'm ready for chili, chicken and noodles and beef stew.

Linda said...

Bet you're glad your folks are coming for a visit. Yeah, I hate this wind and hot weather too! I'm SO ready for fall!