Sunday, January 27, 2008

Some belated pictures

My Mom and Dad were here this weekend. They tag-teamed my sister Teresa and brother-in-law Kenny for my guest bedroom. Teresa and Kenny were here Friday evening and Mom and Dad were here Saturday evening. It's a revolving door here at my house! It's been a busy weekend starting with the Symphony Blue Jeans concert Friday night. I attended with my friends Laurie, Joyce and Joyce's husband Monty. The vocalist, Sylvia McNair, was awesome and I got to enjoy the show from one of the private rooms below the balcony. I call it a symphony skybox. I also call intermission halftime. Saturday morning was haircut and color weave time. This morning was spent at church and after lunch my parents left so I could take a nap. How nice, right?

I've been
lazy with the camera lately. I didn't even take pictures at book club, but you can check out Lori's blog for some pictures of last Tuesday evening at her house.

Two weeks ago I visited the family in Ellinwood and I've posted one picture of Zach from that trip. But today I downloaded pictures off of my Mom's camera of Caden from that weekend.
Here are a few of my favorites.

Playing with Daddy. You gotta love the sweater and corduroys.

Laughing at Mommy.

Copper's always glad when someone else is there to entertain Caden because then he can have Rachel all to himself. Poor Copper thinks he is starved for attention since Caden came along. Just pitiful!


Linda said...

poor Copper...Animals have a hard time with jealousy too!

Country Girl said...

lapdogs are the best ;)