Sunday, February 17, 2008

We've got another sick one...

No, it's not me right now, but it could be soon. I'm staying at my friend Jennifer's house this weekend to watch Bella, her almost-three-year-old. Yesterday started out fine. We went to the McDonald's drive-thru (always a hit) and then went to see my friend Joyce's son Chase play basketball at the Y. Both of us enjoyed our outing. We got home and Bella had a meltdown. Hey, she's almost three and her parents are gone for the weekend for the first time in her young life. It's rough. That called for a nap and after her nap things were looking up. Or so I thought.

We were laying on the bed watching TV (K-State basketball game actually) and Bella said she was going to be sick (in so many words). I picked her up and was rushing to the nearest bathroom but we didn't get there in time. Poor thing. Needless to say, as I was cleaning up a bit (me and the floor -- luckily it was tile and I can do laundry) she was sick again. We cancelled the rest of our plans and instead chilled at home. Bella watched "Charlotte's Web" and I finished the book "Songs of the Humpback Whale" by Jodi Picoult. Interesting book but not my favorite that she's written.

Bella's still running a fever and I'm giving her children's Tylenol and a cool washcloth to the foreheard when warranted. After a mostly sleepless night for both of us, she's upstairs taking a nap. I think I'll go join her.

p.s. I promise I'll start posting more soon. My Mom will be at my house on Wednesday and she's got some really cute movies on her camera that I recorded last weekend in Ellinwood. The babies are doing new tricks! Stay tuned.


Rockyn Robyn said...

EVERYBODY'S got SOMETHING!!!What the heck is going on?!?! Heather and I have been bad-nasty sick all weekend.

Linda said...

Hope you don't catch the bug too! It's no fun.

Waiting for the movies!

Heather rules said...

Bet you didn't think your kid duties would include a puke-fest did ya? hehe.
I've been crazy sick all weekend.

Suzanne said...

OMG, you win Aunt of the Year honors for that babysitting gig! Seriously.... puke? Above and beyond.

By the way, could you, maybe, babysit my kids this weekend?...