Caden pictures and video...finally!
My Mom got here yesterday before the sleet hit town, but I was just too tired last night to do any posting. So here they are, without further adieu...some pictures of Caden and some videos of Zach and Caden. Here's Caden eating his dinner served up by his Daddy. Grandpa Kenny's arm is in the right side of the photo. What you can't see is that there are about seven people in the room all staring at him and watching him eat. He puts on a good show.
In between bites, making eyes at Grandpa and Grandma.
After the rice cereal got dumped, Caden was happy to play in it. Looks like he's going to make excellent mud pies.
Here's a video of Caden eating. I have to point out that you need to watch Andrew's mouth during the first bite. Don't we all do that when feeding kiddos? It's hard to see because of Andrew's hand in the way, but Caden's mouth starts going before the spoon hits the lips and that's what all of us are laughing at. And it's his Aunt Katie holding Zach off to the left who gets most of his attention during this video. She's the one you can hear talking to him. The jiggling camera is attributed to Zach because he wanted to see what was going on through the camera.
Mud pies are my ultimate favorite!
Don't you wonder what goes thru kids minds as everyone is staring at them? He sure is loving the attention! Look at those gorgeous eyes!
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