Sunday, August 17, 2008

Blog's first birthday

Well, I made it. My first blog post was last year on August 17. I'm getting this in just before midnight, glad I remembered it in time. I've really enjoyed blogging the past year. I think I'm getting worse at it, however. I seem to blog less and less each month. Thank you for continuing to read my nonsense and I'll try to pick up the pace by posting more each month. I'll shoot for 15 this month. That should be a lofty enough goal for me!


Heather rules said...

I'll be waiting for those 15 posts!!

Lori said...

Thank you for keeping up your blog! I really enjoy reading about what you're up to and about your great outlook on life. Hope there are many more posts to come!

Linda said...

I truly enjoy your blog Chris! Keep up the great work. And yes, we are now expecting 15 posts a month!

chitknit said...

I'm still getting back in the groove of reading everyone since my hard drive crashed...

Congrats on the blogiversary, or blirthday, or whatever you call it!

Keep it up!