Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I finally met Patricia

Almost two weeks ago, I drove up to Kansas City to see my good friend, Tristan. We were talking about the fact over the weekend visit that we are each other's "oldest" friend. What we mean by that is that we are the first friend that each of us remembers making. Our families lived pretty close to each other in the country (Tristan had horses at her house and I did not) and we are sure we were friends even before kindergarten. Over the years we've seen each other off and on, but it's always like we have never been apart. Friendships like that are few and far between and I cherish those connections when they happen.
This past April, Tristan had a baby. A precious little girl that I had only seen in pictures until two weeks ago. I met Patricia that Friday evening and it took only about 30 seconds for her to decide she liked me and we are now the best of friends. Which illustrates just how smart she is. Unfortunately, neither Tristan or I thought to snap a picture of the two of us together, but I did get one of Patricia and I:
See what I mean? Precious. Thanks for the hospitality to Tristan and Dave. And to Patricia for all the smiles and coos. We'll do it again soon, I promise.

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