Monday, September 15, 2008

Caden comes to visit

It's been a busy week and a half around here. Sorry for the lack of posts. There's really no excuse, just didn't feel much like posting. But this one's for you, Teresa.

The weekend after Labor Day, I had some family visitors. Caden and his mom and dad (Rachel and Andrew) came to stay at my house Saturday night. They brought their two dogs, Copper and Zeke. Zeke is a new addition to the family. He's a puppy who's at least part lab that someone found. He's been abused and has the evidence of that on his head. When Andrew brought him home, Rachel couldn't say no to him staying. Caden got to try out some of the toys I recently bought at a garage sale, including a green tractor that a little boy removed all the stickers from. But that's probably good, because Caden's dad and grandpa only have red tractors.

Caden had scrambled eggs, toast and peaches for breakfast. He's an incredibly good eater. And he does love him some milk.

After a night in a strange house, he was ready to load up the dogs and go home. Here's a picture of Zeke, the newest addition to the family. Could you say no to this face? I didn't think so.

I hope they come back again soon. It seems they were only here for a few minutes and then they were gone again. Don't tell Copper I didn't post any pictures of him this time. He doesn't want anybody to think he likes Zeke, but I saw them playing in my backyard when he thought no one was looking.


Linda said...

Caden is growing like a week!

And Zeke is adorable! Glad you had a good visit, even though it was short!

Linda said...

I meant growing like a weed! (And no, I haven't been drinking-YET!)