I've been on a business trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia, one of the Canadian provinces that's part of the Maritimes. It's gorgeous. The weather got pretty chilly this week, but I like cold weather so that's really been a non-issue. I figured out pretty easily how to get from the airport to the hotel (and customs didn't even sort through my luggage) and then to the newspaper without any real issues.
Today I took a very short road trip to see one of Nova Scotia's most popular tourist attractions. On a cold, snow flurryish day in December. You're probably asking, "Are you crazy?" and I may be, but I think it was the most perfect day to be there. The drive there was not long, but I stopped a lot to take pictures and enjoy the winter scenery. Every way you drive there are lakes and coves and beautiful, breathtaking vistas. This is one example:
And another one:
I drove to Peggy's Cove, which is a little fishing village on the southwestern edge of the province. I would like to emphasize the word "little" because it was nothing if not small and quaint. It may be one of my new favorite places in the entire world. It became much more dear to my heart when it started snowing just before I arrived. Driving in the village, I was so glad to be here during this time of year when the tourists are not. There were still a few people visiting the lighthouse today, but many fewer than there would be in the summer months. It really doesn't need an introduction.And just to prove I was there, here's a contemplative self-portrait by the sea.
It was a really good day and I feel very fortunate to be here. I also did a little shopping. I had the best time talking to a couple of ladies who were manning one of the few gift shops in the village. We had a very nice talk and I took advantage of their 30% end-of-season sale (see, it was the best time of the year to go) on everything in the store. Well, I didn't buy everything they had, but I got some really good stuff. And sipped on some yummy hot cider while I shopped. Can't wait to give away the gifts I bought today. I wish I could post pictures of those things, but I can't. Too many eyes might see what they shouldn't.